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Monday, December 24, 2012

Small things great binary options traders share

Many highly successful binary options traders share many things in common. One of those is that they all started small. 

editorial political cartoon of the mayan calendar and the fiscal cliff for the binary options news of december 20, 2012
Close to the edge
With just one or two assets to trade and invest in, you can do the same. Just pick one or two things which interest you the most and learn about them. See how the news surrounding them affects their stock prices on any given day and learn from it. 

Trade just a little at a time until you learn how the system works and how to make real financial gains in other areas.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Winter is great for trading oil binary options

So sayeth the wise oil binary options trader
As a binary options trader, you’ll want to look at oil prices over the next few months. 

Because of the holiday season, oil prices will be rising sharply due to production, heating, and travel costs. All this will increase oil demands and prices which you can count on to rise. 

Remember this as you trade in binary options for oil trades to make some extra money this season with your investments. 

Knowing what the trend line will do in advance is most of the challenge.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Why trading stocks with binary options is smarter

Guru says: Reach out and trade stocks
New traders are often overwhelmed with market regulations and rules, and barely ever understand them. This is why they should first look at binary options stock trading

Instead of limiting yourself to one market and type of asset at a time, binary options stock trading allows you to expand your coverage quickly and easily by providing you with a vehicle to make snap decisions on investment opportunities coming your way. 

That’s why binary options trading has become so popular in the last few years. By simplifying the process and offering every available trading option on one page, binary options is the best way to invest your money for your future success. 

Within minutes of starting, you could already be reinvesting your gains into new assets and stocks on the market and learning how the market is playing out to your benefit. That’s why binary options trading has become so hugely popular and why it remains so this day.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Master the Range trading platform

Binary options traders come in all shapes and sizes and use all sorts of platforms. One of them which may be of interest to you is the range trading platform. As a binary options trader, you’ll be exposed to many ways of investing in opportunities at any given moment. 

Range options trading is one such method of making a large return on investment. Simply based on the premise of whether or not a stock price will stay within a price range or move outside of it, a binary options trader can use the range trading platform to make a big investment profit. 

It sounds simple and it is, but it’s also worth remembering that range options traders usually are clued in to news stories within the industry on what is going to happen soon. That makes a better investment choice overall and opportunities for greater profits.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

From The Top 10 Binary Options List: EUR/USD

Got Your Green Ribbon?
EUR/USD trading is probably at the forefront of binary options FOREX trading right now.

With the tensions in Greece and Spain and other European countries, and with the US markets on the rise, a very fast binary options trader can earn an enormous ROI.

Stable markets are a good way to invest in a bit longer term, but volatile ones are best for making bigger and faster returns with a bit more risk but much bigger payoff.

Traders are always interested in trading binary options in Euros and Dollars as money indexes change rapidly. One must always be careful to watch them while taking into account the current events of the day, hour, and even minute. But with a keen eye, a binary options trading investor can come out well ahead of anyone else by trading in currencies worldwide.

Euros and Dollars are the most traded currencies in the world, and that should always attract the binary options trader.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Oil and the Hormuz game of chicken as Asian stocks tumble

Would you bite?
It's always rough seas when the US and Iran are ratcheting up the threats.

This of course means residual effects on the price of oil, and therefore on the price of all products and services affected by the price of oil.  In essence, the price of essence is a bellweather for all other prices.

The OptionsClick binary options news update released exclusive editorial coverage of the current situation in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz, where Iranian and American ships are inching ever closer to outright clashes.

This news has a direct impact on the binary options assets trading being conducted on all of the trading platforms in the market today.

Be sure to read the article and make the most of the day.

Monday, February 6, 2012

American Buck gets stronger

See Buck Lift.
As the Euro crisis lingers on, the American dollar is getting stronger again, favored once more by investors and the binary options traders.

The binary options news update service blog of OptionsClick illustrated the point in their article about the topic, with this caricature of a US Dollar lifting heavy weights, under the spotlight, and receiving a passing grade from all three judges.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

As seen on Internet: China's demand for gold increases in time for Chinese New Year 2012

What direction do you think China will take?
January - a time for resolutions, and increased demand for gold in China. These things happen nearly every year. The record shows that Chinese demand for gold - by way of imports from Hong Kong - are up, causing gold to rally to 4-week highs.

For more about how this affects binary options traders, see the OptionsClick binary options news update blog coverage of this news story.