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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Why Apple Moves Money Men

An Apple A Day Keeps The Windows Away
Apple is a great company for binary options investors to trade in regardless of how their stock is doing at the moment.

The reason is that it is predictably innovating at a constant rate and binary options investors make just as much money on a correct prediction whether the stock is up or down.

All that you need to do as a binary options investor is to know what the trend line will do within the next few moments and you'll be reaping the rewards of a large return on your investment.

That's why binary options investors are looking towards Apple for financial gains as much as they are to owning their next great Apple product.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Cooking up smarter ways to trade binary options

Cook much? It Could Make You A Better Investor

bunny magic hat trick
Magician Bunny and the Top Hat
Cooking is another way to pass the time when not trading in binary options. Most people just cook to eat a quick meal, but real cooking isn't a chore - it's an art form. After all, who doesn't enjoy a terrific and special meal?

Next time you have some time, perhaps over the weekend, plan a nice dinner for yourself. Check out a few recipes online and get the ingredients necessary. Set aside some time to do just that.

Cooking is rewarding and will give you the energy you need while doing an activity at home which won't stick your face against a screen all the time.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Oil Shmoil, You Say? Nay! Trade Petroleum While It's Hot! Today!

Why Oil Is A Top Ten Binary Options Asset For Springtime Trading

Winter is over and spring is here. One of the top picks for this time is oil. 

Due to oil's fluctuating price, it represents a huge trend opportunity for the attentive binary options investor.

With the rising and falling of oil, you can make quicker decisions on a bigger return on your investment. 

At OptionsClick, remember to check out the live data graph for oil assets and invest wisely with a diverse portfolio so as to hedge your investment risks. 

Oil is always a standard to invest in so make sure you start looking at that asset right now.