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Sunday, December 25, 2011

How to pick ten great assets to invest in for 2012

How nice is your binary options trading life?
In binary options trading, like any kind of trading in assets and commodities online, it is important to keep track of trends that could affect the price of the goods you are trading. That means keeping up with the financial news, especially in the industry you are targeting with your investments. Remember, with binary options, you either gain a substantial return on your investment if you end up in the money or lose the entire investment if you end up out of the money when your binary options expire. So with so much to gain and so much to lose, it makes sense to try to look for any edge you can get, and the daily news is one source of regular information that can help you make a more informed decision. So whether you are doing binary options in gold or silver, or in Internet stocks such as Google or Apple, the more you know about the field, the better you'll be able to predict price fluctuations.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Prediction prowess in the binary options trading profession

What little secret have you shared today?
With binary options trading, it is important to think about which type of prediction you want to make. Do you think that that asset will rise in price before the expiry time or that it will go down? Or, do you want to predict that it will hit a certain price before the expiry time (or not hit that price). There are three main types of ways to trade binary options, and you should make sure that you've thought about and researched all of these options before you begin the binary options trading process. Think about what you know about the asset you've selected and how you've seen it ebb and flow in price in the past. Do not make hasty judgments or decisions, however, just because you aren't thinking straight or become you've gotten caught up in the moment.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Before you buy binary options - Read the graphs

Read the graphs of the assets before you buy any binary options. If you see a graph with distinct direction then you can count on it it more than one doing the drunk man's walk.

Binary Options are traded by Earthlings
This can't be stressed enough. A Lot of binary options traders ask me what I do to make sure my assets are covered and how I do well when I trade binary options during the weekend (when the markets are closed). The truth is, I can't stand doing nothing, and the weekends are some of the best times for a hyperactive trader like me to sit around and make great gains towards my goals. 

Do you realize how large the ROI is that you can earn doing binary options trading on a weekend? Just because the Wall Street folks are asleep at the wheel, doesn't mean you have to be. 

News Update: There are now more people who trade binary options than ever before, yet it's still a relatively small, leading edge group of investors who are savvy about the price of market indeces, commodities, stocks, currencies, etc. Of the varying binary options trading platforms that exist, none offers every single option, but some of them offer the very best. We're not going to recommend a single one in this post, because frankly, you can google "binary options trading" or "trade binary options" as well as anyone can, and check out the different choices yourself.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Red rose at foggy sunrise

Dew Covered Rose seen by Binary Options Trader
The concept and ability of binary options trading has literally changed the life of many financial people in ways that can only be imagined. While traders typically had to physically be at a financial center everyday such as in New York or London, now a binary options trader can be anywhere with a stable Internet connection and the will to do the work. One of the interesting aspects to this reality is that many binary options are finishing up their day when the sun comes up, and have a very different lifestyle as a result. Notice the pictures on the side of this article, drawn by a binary trader after seeing the sunrise at the end of his trading day and the rose covered in dew just a few minutes later while getting his morning coffee. Most financial traders are shielded from these beautiful realities and that is a damn shame.
Foggy Hills At Sunrise seen by Binary Options Trader

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Binary Options Trading Update

Barrel of Oil
The stock market is one type of market that offers investors a way to make investments. They can make investments on all sorts of stocks and can buy and sell these stocks. They can also make predictions about stocks. For instance, with binary options trading, the investor might predict that, in a certain time frame, the stock will increase in price a certain amount or that it will increase within a certain range. They might also predict the opposite. In order to get into the stock market and enjoy binary options trading, most investors need to do some research and homework to feel comfortable with the investing process. This will make it more likely for them to succeed and to well with their investment. Investors can learn from online sources, from friends, from brokers and from trial and error about stocks.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Drawing of Zebras hugging

Binary art is one of the fastest growing fields in artwork, when combined with the digital aspect of the creative process, which is much faster than the old method that yielded an original.
Zebras Hugging Binary Art

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Europe Debt Risk Declines Price of Gold after 7-week rally

One of the most traded commodities using binary options is the precious yellow metal known as gold. Aside from having applications for jewelry and circuits, it is also used as a reserve for countries and high-net-worth individuals. When you buy a binary option of gold, you can expect that it will now be in a downward heading slope or a long slow decline.

Check out this article that I came across on Bloomberg about the price of gold.

Gold Declines After Reaching 7-Week High on Europe Debt Risk

click title to view article in full

Nov. 8 (Bloomberg) -- Gold dropped before a parliamentary vote in Italy that will show whether Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has enough support to stay in power and implement austerity measures.

Bullion for immediate-delivery fell as much as 0.3 percent to $1,790.38 an ounce and traded at $1,792.68 at 1:14 p.m. in Singapore. The metal touched $1,798.65 yesterday, the most expensive since Sept. 21. Gold for December delivery traded little changed at $1,793.50 on the Comex in New York.

The Chamber of Deputies will vote at 3:30 p.m. in Rome on a routine report on last year’s budget plan that will reveal whether Berlusconi retains a majority in the 630-seat house. Berlusconi denied a report he would step down and pledged to call a confidence vote next week to pass an austerity package that aims to boost growth in the nation’s economy and lower the 1.9 trillion-euro ($2.6 trillion) debt.

“The situation in Italy doesn’t look too good,” said Natalie Robertson, analyst at Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. in Melbourne. “Even though they’re going to run a primary surplus this year, their debt to GDP ratio is still 121 percent and the cost of borrowing more money is increasing.”

Read the article in full on Bloomberg

As you can see, domestric and foreign policies are making a difference in binary options trading and understanding these fluctuations is critical in have a good prediction compass for when you trade binary options. 

A check of gold prices this morning on showed that gold was moving up in price, so perhaps the actually behavior for binary trading is the elusive obvious.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Another 3 White Labels to the SpotOption Portfolio



press release
Nov. 2, 2011, 8:34 a.m. EDT
 Found the article below while trolling the web. I find it interesting that these binary options trading companies have all these partnerships, when in reality they are the same company simply using a different skin atop an exsisting program. I think it is a good sign that binary options trading companies are expanding their platforms to match various demographics of players and other patterns that they can attribute to a higher trading ratio.

NICOSIA, Cyprus, November 2, 2011 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Leading Binary Options Platform Providers, SpotOption Ltd., announce partnership with WinOptions, Binoa, and OBOptionOnline operators who were able to predict the potential in the Binary Options industry are now enjoying the rewards of a profitable and growing business. However, as attractive as the binary options model is, an operator needs to partner with the right platform provider in order to succeed in the business. SpotOption Ltd. has proven success through the growing success of their brands, and those operators who had used other platform providers have realized that SpotOption is that provider with the technology and expertise necessary in order to thrive in the business.
Amongst those are WinOptions, OBOptions, and Binoa, who have most recently converted into SpotOption labels. This move will allow them to benefit from SpotOption's unrivaled Risk Management solution, first class service, and unique profit maximizing features, such as Option Builder, One Touch, ProTrader, 60 Seconds, and of course, the iPhone application as well. Additionally, as SpotOption is solely a B2B operation, and does not own a label of its own, the labels do not have to compete with their providers as has become acceptable in the industry.