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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Before you buy binary options - Read the graphs

Read the graphs of the assets before you buy any binary options. If you see a graph with distinct direction then you can count on it it more than one doing the drunk man's walk.

Binary Options are traded by Earthlings
This can't be stressed enough. A Lot of binary options traders ask me what I do to make sure my assets are covered and how I do well when I trade binary options during the weekend (when the markets are closed). The truth is, I can't stand doing nothing, and the weekends are some of the best times for a hyperactive trader like me to sit around and make great gains towards my goals. 

Do you realize how large the ROI is that you can earn doing binary options trading on a weekend? Just because the Wall Street folks are asleep at the wheel, doesn't mean you have to be. 

News Update: There are now more people who trade binary options than ever before, yet it's still a relatively small, leading edge group of investors who are savvy about the price of market indeces, commodities, stocks, currencies, etc. Of the varying binary options trading platforms that exist, none offers every single option, but some of them offer the very best. We're not going to recommend a single one in this post, because frankly, you can google "binary options trading" or "trade binary options" as well as anyone can, and check out the different choices yourself.

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